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Studer A807

Verfasst: Mittwoch 30. Mai 2007, 21:11
von aveni
How can you see the different . A807 mk1 and A807mk2 ?


Verfasst: Donnerstag 31. Mai 2007, 03:32
von Administrator
Hi there aveni,

the difference is a little software (Firmware) update between MKI und MKII. The latest update was made around 1992. The MKII version has in addition a larger distance of the engines - so it´s possible to use larger reels (for 1000m of tape = 3280 ft).

I hope I could help you a little bit! If you got further questions, please feel free and ask what you want to know! ;-)

Kind regards,

Re: Studer A807

Verfasst: Freitag 1. Juni 2007, 17:12
von Karl Michael Müller
aveni hat geschrieben:How can you see the different . A807 mk1 and A807mk2 ?

Other easy way to see difference is looking to the backside of the recorder.
MK1 will offer 1 row XLR (Cannon) connectors
MK2 offers 2 rows of connectors for audio (also this basic area for the audio terminals is a little enlarged at MK2 compared to MK1)
